
Showing posts from August, 2020

Our Hopes and Fears

  We have been wrestling with the effects of the COVI-19 pandemic for half a year.   Can you believe it?   My sense is that navigating the challenges of this season will get harder before it gets easier.   Everything I’ve been reading in the news and in my professional circle points in that direction.   School districts are scrambling to figure out how they are going to fulfill their educational mandate in just a few weeks.   Sports schedules are being diminished or shredded before the season begins.   What in the world are ESPN and Fox Sports going to do with canceled seasons?   Think of the lost revenue!   Beer sales will likely slump.   (That may not be a bad thing.)   In the meantime, some cities still have riots in the streets and our national politics are absolutely toxic.   We’re in a tough place.   People of faith have not escaped the cultural anxiety that has enveloped us all.   Earlier this week, our combi...