Take a Knee

Maybe it’s time…time to take a knee. I may lose some friends on this, so please hear me out to the end. If you follow professional sports and especially if you listen to sports-talk radio, you know that taking a knee during the national anthem to protest systemic racism against black people has returned as a very hot topic. And support for the protest is gaining momentum among influential people in professional sports. This past week, Bill O’Brien, coach of the Houston Texans, said that he would take a knee with his players during the national anthem as an act of solidarity with them in their protest. Also, this week, Roger Goodell, the Commissioner of the National Football League encouraged teams to sign former quarterback, Colin Kapernick, the person who started the kneeling protest in 2016. Remember, it was Goodell who ordered all members of all teams to stand during the anthem just two years ago. I never served in the m...