The Spiritual Power of the Choral Experience

I’ve been a senior pastor now for over a year. It’s been at least fifteen months since I last directed a choir. While I know I am exactly where God has put me, I confess that I do miss the choral life. Two current experiences are catalyzing this reflection. In two weeks, Grace Chapel, the former First Baptist Church of Lancaster, CA will hold its centennial celebration. Part of the celebration is the reunion of a remarkable youth choir that flourished roughly between 1965 and 1975. The director during most of those years was Don Swanson. To read the Facebook posts and scan the pictures leading up to the reunion, you can’t miss the fact that Don, or “Swanold,” as he was called, was deeply loved. Regretfully, Don went home to be with the Lord in 2000. I never sang in the “Real Life Chorale.” I missed out. I was a band guy at the time and, in fact, didn’t start attending First Baptist until my senior year in hig...