God of the Underdog

God of the Underdog I Samuel 1:4-20; I Samuel 2:1-10 Homily for 11/13/24 You and I, according to Scripture, are made in the image of God. Into every human soul, God has hard-wired what one theologian calls “echoes of a Voice.” Among those echoes are a yearning for beauty, relationship, spirituality, and justice. Those human yearnings are unique among all of God’s Creation. They demonstrate the distinctiveness of the human soul. I want to focus this morning on the yearning for justice. No one has to teach a child the phrase, “That’s not fair!” It seems to come naturally to us all. And when we are the subject of injustice, we all rebel. Rightly so. Things are not the way they should be. And so, we appeal to someone who can make things right. That was the case with Hannah: I Samuel 1:4-20 (NLT) There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah in the region of Zuph in the hill country of Ephraim. H...